Thursday, July 12, 2012

In Honduras by Valerie

Honduras July 2012 From Valerie The first day was long and seemed to take forever to get here, but once here, it was a welcome from good friends. Each "hello" brought back special memories and anticipation for visitation in the Chorti villages. This is my 4th trip, and it continues to be a tremendous blessing in my life. THANK YOU to those who made it possible for me to attend; your generosity truly blessed me. We attended the church service in Atuta, and was welcomed by the Pastor, Elias. My Spanish was tested as I tried to comprehend an translate the services. I was touched by the passion and love for Jesus that I saw. Elias did not lead service, but Jesus (his name) did a great job. There were many times I heard "alleluia" and "amen" coming from my chair. The graciousness of the Chorti again touched my heart. This was my first medical trip. I have done evangialism with children and adults, helped with food distribution and prayer walked through villages, so again, I was waiting to see what God had in store. My Spanish was not prepared for the medical terms, Dr. Eddie Moore (from Abilene)was very understanding and patient. We were in a poor village (all of the Chorti villages are extremely poor). I leave wanting to do more; wanting to give more; wanting to show them Jesus. I just pray that seeds have been planted, and God will see them grow!!! I asked Audrey about the water project for Aldea Nueva (the village that our church raised money for last March). Audrey told me that the village WILL get water, but everything is on "Honduran" time. There is lots of red tape and governmental bureaucracy that slows the process down. It also caused an issue when the Peace Corps worker left abruptly and they have to wait for the replacement......... Aldea Nueva will get water and will receive this amazing blessing from our church. The materials have been bought, and in time, the water project will be completed. At this point, none of the villages in the project have received water. Please lift them up in prayer. In the mean time, the money raised has helped the Chorti in many ways: transportation to/from doctor visits, cancer treatments, needed operations, and other health, physical and spiritual needs. Thank you, FBC Seminole for loving the Chorti. Thank you for giving tirelessly. Thank you reaching out in His Mighty Name! Connie and I lead the devotion today. Her verse was John 15:5......"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing. Her discussion centered around how we are the branches for God reaching out to the Chorti. We will never know who or what will be changed because of our visit, but HE knows! My verse was Isaiah 43:19......."See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not see? I am making a way in the desert and streams int the wasteland." I talked about how Honduras is a lush, tropical country with many shades of green, but it is also a spiritual wasteland, and God has sent is here to help the Chorti (and other Hondurans) Jesus!!! Love to you all, Valerie Jackson

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