Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hannah's Blog from Kenya

            Wow where to begin.  The trip up here was very eventful but great at the same time. Even though the flights got messed up, we got the chance to really get to know each other and bond before we got here. So we finally landed here and five of our bags didn’t make it, and mine was one of them. It really wasn’t that hard because we just shared clothes until three of the five bags made it, and thankfully one of the three was mine. These kids here are truly amazing. Every story I have heard about this place is exactly right.  The second they see you they sprint as fast as they can and don’t slow down.  I’ve never had that feeling where kids literally beg to be held by anyone.  It is amazing to know we can show them the love of Christ just by holding or playing with them. It blows my mind to know some of these kid’s stories and seeing them with the biggest happiest smile on their face.  Yesterday I was able to go in the classroom and help the kids with their work, and it was so great. They love to learn new things about anything. When we brought out all the supply bags with all the new materials the kids and the teacher’s face lit up. They told me they were so thankful for every little thing we brought.  I’ve learned a lot through these kids. If we give the same amount of effort they do just to be held and the way that changes their day, if we could do the same way with Christ just begging and doing pretty much anything to be held by Christ our lives would be so different.  Sometimes we take for granted the love we have back home.  This experience has opened my eyes to many things. I know it will be very hard to leave these kids, but they will always have a special place in my heart. Please continue praying for Jeff and Carla, they have put so much faith and prayers through this project.  These kids now have a home because they listened to what God was telling them to do.  I want to thank you for all the prayers and thoughts you put in for us.  I can’t wait to see all of you and tell you many stories!
            In Him,


  1. Amazing God!!!

  2. I'm so thankful you were able to have this experience!!

  3. I can't wait to see you and hear all about it. Love you!
