Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Jennifer from Honduras

Today was our third day of clinics. Our setup, duties, and routine is basically the same for each clinic. Each day we arrive to the village school and figure our "arrangement" of registration, church, doctor office, triage, and pharmacy and immediately begin. If you have been to Honduras, you know what I mean when I speak of the crazy roads to get to these villages. Well today was extremely crazy- bumpy, rivers, rough, wild. Not sure how we didn't get stuck or slide down a cliff. On the way up to the village, at a fork in the road, I made a joking comment "I pick that road" bc it looked much smoother and safer. Of course, it wasn't the road we took. Haha- little did I know what God was showing me. We finally arrive at the village and the arrangement of buildings is just not what we had experienced the last two days. We had some difficulty "seeing" how to setup. It just didn't seem like it would "flow" well no matter how we did it. I thought, this day is going to be insane, it started with these awful roads and now this is going to be mass chaos. We finally made a decision and got started. It was the busiest and longest day we have had, but amazingly it went so smoothly for all areas. 223 people heard the gospel, were prayed over, and received medical care. It was the most efficient day we have had. We were all amazed. So, God showed me today in a very obvious, right in your face and heart kind of way- His road is better, is always best, and I should always trust his road! This is only the 2nd time this village has allowed Anglos in. The Chorti people have humbled me and open my eyes and heart to how spoiled i truly am. These people have so little, yet know no different. It was Hannah's idea for us to go on this mission trip, but I personally am thankful for God's calling down this road. Little did I know months ago that making the decision to go on this trip was the first of God's many roads He was giving me the opportunity to pick from. But, it's really not a matter of "picking" but obedience. Jennifer

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