Thursday, March 17, 2011


Our first morning here I read the following fable as the intro to Lucado's book, "Outlive Your Life". As the week went on, I thought about these words more and more. The work here is so diverse, it's hard to get a grasp of it all. Several years ago, Billy and Mary Collins moved to Copan to begin working with the Chorti Indians. We've been able to get a glimpse of how someone can leave a lasting impression through their good works. Let me stop here to emphasize that everything that's been accomplished here is for God's glory and not for any person's. Throughout the week, we've been blessed to see how hungry the people are to hear God's word. The team has been stretched by dividing up into different teams so that we can visit more villages. This has given us the opportunity to see the many projects that are already in progress as well as see the immense needs that still exist. Today we visited a village that has NO water sources. The only water they have is water they catch when it rains. We looked into the container that holds drinking water for the village and saw larvae in it. We learned that there is a water source up the mountain where they can get water by gravity flow. However, they have to pay the landowner for water rights. They need $2,000 by April 15th in order to participate. They are willing to provide the labor to lay the pipe if somehow the funding could be provided. Is this an opportunity to "outlive your life"?

This morning before we left for our final day in the villages, we discussed in our devotion time the many projects that will have a lasting impact on the lives of the Chorti. There are schools that have been built, Bible studies that have been taught, stoves that have been provided, fresh water projects, farm projects through the ag center, medical teams and many, many more. All of these projects have been done with one goal in mind: to share the love of Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers this week.

Finding Father Benjamin: A Fable by Max Lucado

Unfavorable winds blow the ship off course, and when they do, the sailors spot uncharted islands. They see half a dozen mounds rising out of the blue South Seas waters.

The captain orders the men to drop anchor and goes ashore. He is a robust man with a barrel chest, full beard, and curious soul.

On the first island he sees nothing but sadness. Underfed children. Tribes in conflict. No fanning or food development, no treatment for the sick, and no schools. Just simple, needy people.

The second and following islands reveal more of the same. The captain sighs at what he sees. "This is no life for these people." But what can he do?

Then he steps onto the last and largest island. The people are healthy and well fed. Irrigation systems nourish their fields, and roads connect the villages. The children have bright eyes and strong bodies. The captain asks the chief for an explanation. How has this island moved so far ahead of the others?

The chief, who is smaller than the captain but every bit his equal in confidence, gives a quick response: "Father Benjamin. He educated us in everything from agriculture to health. He built schools and clinics and dug wells."

The captain asks, "Can you take me to see him?”

The chief nods and signals for two tribesmen to join him. They guide the captain over a jungle ridge to a simple, expansive medical clinic. It is equipped with clean beds and staffed with trained caretakers. They show the captain the shelves of medicine and introduce him to the staff. The captain, though impressed, sees nothing of Father Benjamin. He repeats his request. "I would like to see Father Benjamin. Can you take me to where he lives?"

The three natives look puzzled. They confer among themselves. After several minutes the chief invites, "Follow us to the other side of the island." They walk along the shoreline until they reach a series of fishponds. Canals connect the ponds to the ocean. As the tide rises, fish pass from the ocean into the ponds. The islanders then lower canal gates and trap the fish for harvest.

Again the captain is amazed. He meets fishermen and workers, gatekeepers and net casters. But he sees nothing of Father Benjamin. He wonders if he is making himself clear.

"I don't see Father Benjamin. Please take me to where he lives."

The trio talks alone again. After some discussion the chief offers, "Let's go up the mountain." They lead the captain up a steep, narrow path. After many twists and turns the path deposits them in front of a grass-roofed chapel. The voice of the chief is soft and earnest. "He has taught us about God."

He escorts the captain inside and shows him the altar, a large wooden cross, several rows of benches, and a Bible.

"Is this where Father Benjamin lives?" the captain asks.
The men nod and smile.

"May I talk to him?"
Their faces grow suddenly serious. "Oh, that would be impossible."


"He died many years ago."

The bewildered captain stares at the men. "I asked to see him, and you showed me a clinic, some fish farms, and this chapel. You said nothing of his death."

"You didn't ask about his death," the chief explains. "You asked to see where he lives. We showed you."

Max Lucado, Outlive Your Life, Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010, xix-xxi.

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