Saturday, March 19, 2011


Well, we are home, and already I am longing to be back in Honduras. The people there have worked their way into my heart in a way that I never dreamed possible before taking my first trip there. We have seen and experienced many things on this, our second trip.

Mark and I spoke the first three days to adults in the villages about what God says about marriage. We also talked about the importance of raising Godly children and that it is our responsibility to teach our children about Him. The people there are hungry for the Word. You can almost feel the urgency they have to know people care and love them enough to want to spend time with them and share Jesus with them. Their living conditions are not anything I have ever experienced before. And yet, they sheer will their life continues. They work very hard, but always make time when visitors come into their village.

On our third day we went with Eguardo, one of the Chorti men who came to Christ several years ago and now helps the missionaries. He is able to tell the Chorti people things that might not be as well received from an "outsider", especially a white person. After Mark and I finished talking in El Zapote on Wednesday, Edguardo got up and spoke. He was very stern with the men about how they treat their wives and children. Eguardo's wife works in the clinic in that village. She makes the 1 1/2 walk up the mountain to that village and stays all week, then comes home on the weekend. They have 3 daughters, and he is responsible for taking care of the youngest 2 during the week. He is very proud of the work his wife does, but it is very difficult to be without her during the week. He was very glad to get to take us to that village so he could see her. She let me look around the clinic and even let me take a few pictures there. It was crowded when we got there. People from villages all around come for medical care. This is the same village that had no one to run the clinic last summer when we were there. We prayed that God would provide someone and He has!

That night we went visited with the doctors who are working at the clinic. They are the only ones in Copan de Ruinas who truly have a heart for the people. They are working with the poor people. God has given Matt a vision to build a hospital in Honduras, and these are the doctors who will be working in it.

Thursday I went with Jase, Garrison, Cary, Audrey, and Marcia to a different village. I got to make a tortilla. (With a LOT of help from Marcia!) She took me into the kitchen of one of the villagers and asked her if I could help. This lady makes 100 tortillas EVERY day just to keep her family fed. She grinds the corn each morning, then makes the dough, works it on the stone, and pats them into shape. When we arrived at her home she was making them and a couple of hours later after we had visited with all of the adults she was still making them. She will start all over tomorrow and the next day and the next.

When we finished with the adults we went to the school and told stories to the children. There were three classrooms...the Kindergarten, and two others. The Kindergarten children had already been sent home, but the other two classes were still there. We told the story of David and Goliath to one class. I narrated while Jase, Cary, and Garrison (with the help of one of the boys) acted out the story and Marcia interpreted. We went to the next room and they were giving immunizations to the students. They all sat at their tables, and when their name was called they went to the front of the room, got their shot, and sat back down. When they finished we told them Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. I must say, Jase, Cary, and Garrison were not the nicest actors I've ever worked with. lol

When we returned to the mission house we all processed our day. Later we went to the land we are looking to buy and prayed over it. It is right beside a soccer field. I know God is going to do great things in that place, and many will come to know Him through the services provided there. Please pray the money will be raised to make this happen.

There are so many things I still have on my heart, but words don't truly describe this place. Pictures don't do it justice either. To truly know what this calling is all about you must taste, smell, feel, and see this place for yourself. It is not enough to tell these people about Jesus. For them to truly understand and believe we must live Him. We have been called to do this. Please pray and ask God what it is He wants you to do to help. Until next time...

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