Thursday, July 4, 2013


I was a bit slow in waking today. I didn't sleep as well as usual. Part of it was my "normal" tummy malady, yet I feel strongly that God is trying to show me His way to serve the Chorti.

Yadira had the preparations for the "Ziploc Omelettes" for us in addition to the fresh fruit, homemade biscuits, and pineapple jelly.

After breakfast we all sat down with Edgardo to allow him to ask questions and express to us his concerns. This was a very informative session. His concerns are many and he seems to be overwhelmed. We tried to explain that he needs to take one day each week for himself to study, relax, and spend time alone with God. I pray that Edgardo will learn Your ways, Father. He is so eager to learn and wants to learn Your Truth.

We walked to the day care in town. The name is Casita Copan, Hogar de Ninos. This is a community organization dedicated to providing quality care for orphaned, abandoned, and vulnerable children in Copan Ruinas, Honduras. The children were beautiful and very loving.

 We came back to the mission house for lunch. Delicious as always.

We then began our trek to the village, Los Medias Dos. Edgardo wanted us to go there to take some flip flops to this village that the group from Arkansas brought. To get to this village requires a very steep climb on a slippery self made path. This was quite a challenge for an out of shape flat lander as myself. Trish and I had a conversation on the drive up the mountain. We had discussed that this trip had not been too hard physically. Suffice it to say that God changed that thought process quickly! The hike up and back was extremely difficult. Yet, our Father walked with us and we made it.

This village is in dire need of many things as all of the villages. Edgardo has been training one of the older men to be a Bible study leader. The first thing he said was to thank us for helping and praying for them. He said they had been praying for us. There was an 11 month old baby that had been sick with pneumonia and was not getting any better. They had medication for the baby, but the mother did not know how to administer it properly. Edgardo explained to her the directions on the medication. I, in my limited medical knowledge, tried to explain some things she could do to ease this precious baby's pain. I pray that God used my words in some way to help her.

Mark gave a Bible lesson on marriage and family. The people seemed to be receptive. Mark did an excellent job, as did Samuel, the translator. The leader was given the Bible excerpts that Mark used.

We ended the time with these Chorti praying for their needs. They were quite concerned about the sick baby. Their other prayer requests were for a guitar and a place to have church. The hut they are using now belongs to a man that is in prison and he will be out soon.

Once again, I was blessed by the Chorti. They are so grateful and their needs are so simple. God, I ask You to remind me again and again to be more than grateful to You for all the blessings You place in my life in abundance.

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