Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 13, 2012---Ned in Honduras

Day 2 in Copan Ruinas Honduras. Today we left and drove 1 1/2 hours into the village of Mara Solitos. We drove to the top of the mountains today and at times there was nothing but sheer drops on each side of the road. In the rainy season vehicles are not able to make it up and into the village so it is a blessing that we were able to drive in. The view was beyond words. The words of David in Psalm 19 have never rung more true as we stood and stared in awe of the creation around us. Truly the heavens declared the glory of God and the sky proclaimed the works of His hands! We went to the school first. The three room school house was full of children from Kindergarten through 6th grade. There was one teacher, Jorge, who walked from room to room teaching. We shared the story of Zaccheus with them and the students acted it out. What a blessing to see these children and hear their laughter. Not all the children in the village attend the school but most do. After 6th grade the children must walk for over an hour to attend 7th through 9th grade. The village was without water and there were small pipes running up the mountain from about a kilometer away where a spring was sending them water. The village was working with a few other villages to co-op and bring in fresh water that normally is a four hour walk away. The walking today was more rigorous than yesterday as we walked down the side of the mountain through the coffee fields to visit the homes in Mara Solitos. The lesson does hold true, what goes down eventually must come up! The prayer today was more intense than yesterday. At times their were voices in honduran and english rising up together. What a beautiful sound it was to hear. Different languages, One Spirit, all praying to the One true God. We were in agreement, and even though there was a language barrier, Jesus was present and working. I was blessed today to sit in a home amidst their grain and coffee crops and hear how God was working in their lives. We were offered coffee and bread so we took the bread and graciously declined the coffee. Another family was making bricks so that they could expand their home. They were digging the dirt, forming the bricks with pine needles, and drying them for later use. We saw every fruit imaginable from black and green banana's, mangos, peaches, pineapples, and berries of every sort. God has provided them with so many things that we often take for-granted. They make due with so little and their main concern is providing for their family daily. Again I left the village humbled and grateful for a God who still saves today bringing peace far and near through the blood of Jesus Christ. The Chroti people are more than gracious and their heart for God is incredible Their needs are simple but the same as ours. Please continue to pray for them and for us as we continue to go out this week into new villages.

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