Thursday, July 1, 2010

Beach Camp 2010 Day 4

7:30 AM The Iron Indians and Maidens are up and at it on the last day. Jase and Matt had them work out in the pool today for something different. After watching it, I'm not so sure that it was better. It was still very difficult, but at least they weren't soaked in sweat. These athletes have gotten up every morning at 6:00 AM to work out. Now that is what I call dedication. Two red flags flying on the beach again, so that means that we can't get in the gulf again today. I think Hurricane Alex has put a damper on our trip. It wasn't raining when the kids got up, but it is pouring again now. Looks like it will be a pool day again. It doesn't seem to bother the students. They would rather get in the ocean, but they will take what they can get. They are a good group.

4:46 PM Well it hasn't been the greatest day for our students. They have been really good sports. You won't see many pictures from today, because we couldn't get the cameras out. It has been pouring rain for most of the day. There are still two red flags flying at the beach and the waves are really impressive to watch, but I don't think you would want your children in them. At one time, we were walking through the walk way by the cabins and we were sloshing through about 3 inches of water. Some of the students wanted to eat lunch in the snack bar, but it was standing in water as well. It didn't phase them, they sat down and ate with water up to their ankles. I would never have thought that people from West Texas would be uttering the phrase, "Will it ever quit raining?" Jase had scheduled a special time with the senior students for an airboat ride, but they canceled that, so he and Tami took them to supper and a movie this afternoon. Not to be out done Stacy took several of the students to the movie in town. I think they are seeing the new Twilight movie. We have spent most of the afternoon cleaning up. It is amazing at the difference in the way the boys room smells compared to the girls room below us. Well, the fun and games are almost over. After worship tonight, the busses will be here to pick us up. We should head for home by 10:30 or 11:00, and the busses should arrive in Seminole somewhere around 8:00PM tomorrow night. It has been wet, but fun. We should be thrilled with our staff. They have done an outstanding job on this camp. Jase and Tami have kept everything running smoothly and had to deal with many unexpected turns on this trip, but they have handled things beautifully. Matt has been an outstanding camp pastor. I would fully expect that many lives have been changed by his messages. God is speaking powerfully through him. See You in Seminole!

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