Thursday, July 8, 2010

Honduras From Madison

Wow! First of all, I just want to thank God for allowing us just to go to Honduras!!! Now even though I don't speak Spanish, I got a lot out of this trip.

In Col. 13:13 it says, " Now the three of these remain- faith, hope, and love. But the most important of these is love." When we went to the villages, that is the verse I thought of. One of the most important things we did was show love to those children. They don't usually get hugged on or loved on, but we showed them our love for them. But most importantly, we showed them the love of Jesus Christ through us. We told them how unconditional Jesus' love is for them, and how no matter how many times we mess up or make mistakes, Jesus loves us anyway. One thing that just made my heart leap inside my chest was when we played the games. Duck, Duck, Goose ( Pato, Pato, Gonzo), throwing a ball and catching it in a parachute, or trying to catch them when they ran under the parachute, their faces just lit up with joy.

Another thing that occured to me was that we are SO fortunate in the U.S. and we take all of it for granted. I mean just the little things, like shoes on our feet, Air Conditioners, smooth roads, or just knowing you are going to have another meal before the day is over. We are extremely blessed and need to thank Jesus for it as often as we can for it.

I am so thankful that Jesus showed himself throughout this trip, to the villages, yes, but especially to me. Now compared to the west Texas brown, and flat this was ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!! The beautiful mountains and green everywhere, I just thank God for allowing this team to come.

*** Keep in your prayers all of the villages we visited, and for the next team coming to Honduras!!!
And also for one of our translators- Marcia- who needs to know where God wants her to be in the missionary field!! :)

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