Sunday, July 3, 2011

Caleb---July 3, 2011

I thought I would blog about what I've seen and experienced here so far. When we were driving to Copan, we saw many houses along the way built out of tin and homemade bricks. It made me grateful to have a house with running water and electricity, but it also made me very sad to see those people living in those houses. I am also very sad that many of the villagers have to bathe and wash their clothes in the river, where they also dump their trash. This morning we went to church in Otuta. While on our way, we got stuck on the road. We also saw some people on the road walking, and we picked them up and they road with us into their village along the way. One of the ladies was an 85 year old woman. She asked Arely when we would be bringing food. That made me feel bad because we can have food anytime we want back home, and many of these people are happy to have one meal a day. I am very happy that I have Hayden here with me. He has been here before and has showed me how to be safe and not get sick. He also showed me alot of things along the way that I would have missed if I were by myself. He also showed me where to buy a machete :) Please remember to pray for the Chorti people and us.

1 comment:

  1. Caleb,
    Thank you for your blog. It was great and I love seeing what you're doing. I'm proud of you and can't wait to hear how God uses you this week. Papaw and I are continuing to pray.
    Love you bunches,
