Sunday, July 17, 2011

Team 3 Day 1 Cheryl

I have decided I don't like roosters! Especially one that thinks dawn is at 2 AM!! I'm sure if I had a gun I could get rid of this problem if a Team 4 comes down in the near future.

Trevor was right when he said words can't express this experience. The church service (even though I didn't understand it) was amazing. The people are so passionate in their worship. My question is why am I so guarded in my worship? Hello, David danced in the streets worshipping God!! Well, he also was naked, but still he worshipped passionately! I want to worship like that, but keep my clothes on!! I know you will be grateful for that also!

Tired, Yes. Ready to work, YES! I'll keep you posted on how things go.
Continue to pray for us and the people we will be serving.

Willing servant,


  1. I am so glad that you are there and Trevor was just have to experience it! Can't wait to hear more!

    I know that rooster......and I feel the same way!

  2. That rooster and I have had words!!

    Can't tell you how thankful I am you won't be following David's brand of worship to the letter!!

    Love you and praying for you!

