Sunday, July 17, 2011

Team 3 Day 1 Valerie

We made it! No air conditioning on the bus for 3 hours on the winding roads from San Pedro to Copan gave me a horrible case of Motion Sickness (Cheryl took a picture!!!), but I've since recovered and I 'm ready to do God's work.

There is still a tremendous need. Audrey told me that whatever food we deliver this week will be it if more money isn't received. She has been talking to Food Organizations, but they won't commit or give her a response. The Chorti are still in dire need so please pray that funds be made available so that their basic needs can be met and all Glory will be given to God.

We attended Elias' wonderful church this morning. I'm amazed at the enthusiasm and passion for Christ in his services. I pray that everyone have the chance to hear their prayer sessions. And to think that he is unable to read.......the only thing he can read is his Bible! God works in mighty ways!

We've got an awesome team, and I look forward to getting to know our friends from North Carolina over the next few days. We got to meet Kyle's family via video skype. I've really enjoyed spending time with Mary (She and Billy are responsible for all the initial and continued contacts with the Chorti.). She is truly a blessing, and her heart is still in Honduras. I pray that they are both able to return at some point in the future.

Steve and Audrey are great! It's wonderful to have the time to catch up. We've got a very full week, and will not have any free time. We will prepare the sacks of food, deliver to designated villages, return to the warehouse, and repeat for another village. Please pray that the rain not keep us from our deliveries. The rain can damage the roads and force the Chorti to come to us instead of us going to them.

Thank you for all of you support and prayers. We can feel you lifting us up. I'm so thankful for Tami and Jase. God led them to share their love for the Chorti with all of us. I know that He used them to get me here, and now, a piece of my heart will always be in Honduras!!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you this week! I am praying that more financial assistance will come in this week so the food distribution can continue. I look forward to hearing more throughout the week!
